Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Weekend of Fun in Review

I saw two of the greatest movies this weekend.

The first: March of the Penguins A beautifully filmed and wonderfully narrated (by Morgan Freeman) documentary on the annual march of the Emperor Penguin to breed. If I were an Emperor Penguin I'd die childless and alone! Why would anyone walk 70 across antarctica (multiple times) to have sex and raise a chick. They are an amazing little critter.

The next was a movie date with my mom to see Mad Hot Ballroom AWESOME! I laughed, I cried... it was better than CATS! What a great story. Get out of your house and see this film NOW. So touching. I wish I was a fifth grader in NYC so I could learn ballroom dancing. GO NOW!

Other activities of the weekend included: Friday of errands (day out of office), soccer (we won I think), dinner at The Kerry House, and saw Oklahoma at the historic Woodminster Amphitheater

Back to work now....

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