On Tuesday I gave Granite one of those rope chew toys & she was so happy that it was destroyed within a few hours.
This morning when I returned from my workout she ran up to me "sat" and looked so sad. I put "sat" in quatation marks because she actually just squated. Upon investigation of her weird posture & look of confusion I found that she had ingested lots of the above mentioned rope & tried to pass it this AM. Hanging from her rear end was about one foot of rope filled poo. What's a mother to do? I wrapped my hand in TP & tried to wipe her back-end. Woops, lots of rope in that poo. I had to grab the offensive dingleberry & pull... another six inches extracted.
The poor beast was so happy to be released from the evil rope-poo-monster that was chasing her around the yard.
So, how did your day begin?
heh heh.
brian (not me!) had to do this for pearl a couple of times. we called it the technicolor poo.
now, no rope bones! no no!
oh no! sounds like a fun project. would a plastic bag or those yellow kitchen gloves work? maybe next time... :)
Ewww. I sympathize! Having two kids is what makes this go from Gross factr: 8 to Gross factor: 3.
What a good mom. :)
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