Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Storm Status

This article sums up our New Year's Eve. We woke up to rain & winds & the sound of crashing trees. I tried to make it to my sister's for breakfast and one turn led me to a giant tree blockign the road, passed a mudslide & several streets with trees felled across the road. I got to the bottom of our hill & saw a large "puddle" with a car in the middle of it. The next day the paper had this article explains what happened: Beware of flooded street!: "'It was like driving into a lake,' he said. 'All of a sudden, I have no traction and the car is floating in water up to the middle of the windows, 4 or 5 feet deep. The engine stalls and the car starts filling with water. I thought, I'm going to get out of here.'"

We are safe & sound. No trees on our house or in our yard. Only our New Year Eve plans were cancelled.

1 comment:

elainepill said...


glad you didn't try to chitty chitty bang bang your way through the 'puddle' (aka lake, big lake)

stay dry!