Tuesday, August 10, 2004

I once met a bride who had no shoes

If I don't find shoes at the 3 story discount shoe warehouse during lunch today I will be barefoot at my wedding! Wish me luck.

It seems to be coming together - only about 5 items on the TO DO list remain. Most of those are to be done on the day of.

Shout Out to a few who have eased our burdens:
- the MacDonald siblings for jumping in with balloon / helium assistance & being catering staff
- Katherine for taking over the appetizer shopping & set up
- Baby Kate for bearing the rings... don't drop them in a storm drain!
- Fuego & Elmar for burning CDs with dance songs. Now we'll have more than disco to dance to!
- Dad for getting the keg which will keep me on even keel during the night... mmm Boont Amber!
- Tripp & Kate for officiating at this "un-official event". You guys rock my liturgical world.

I think we've done all we can for the day. Oh, I need shoes. Cheers!

1 comment:

elainepill said...

you know, brides have been barefoot before. and it's not that bad.

if you can't find shoes, have someone do some mehendi designs on your feet. i'm SURE you have the time for another little project before friday. :-)