Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Sweet Revenge

Today at work I received a personalized ID card & request for donation to the California Republican Party. In the mailing was a postage paid return envelope for "my donation" with a tiny memo that if I used my own stamp I'd save them valuable dollars.

On the membership ID card with my name preprinted on it were two head shots - one of Ahnuld & one of Shrub.

Whenever I get unsolicited postage paid envelopes in my credit card statements I mail them back empty in hopes that they'll stop sending the wastes of paper.

So what did I do today you ask?

I wrote on the donation card: "I am not a republican and never will be. No money for you!" Then I drew a Hitler moustache on Ahnuld and on Shrub I decorated his pea-head with devil horns, a pig nose and colonel sanders beard. I then inserted them all into the postage paid return envelope and sent them back to the RNC.

Sorry, I had to.

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