Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I stole this snippet of a quote from Bob (http://thecorner.typepad.com/bc/)

"...God’s freedom calls us to self-restraint, servanthood and justice for all. Indeed, the Exodus Passover is followed by another meal—of manna in the wilderness. This story, representing the very first instructions to Free Israel, stipulates that each household gather only enough, so that no one has too much, and no one too little (Ex 16:16-18). We are called to circulate the gifts of Creation among all who need them rather than seeing them concentrate in the hands of an elite. This vision of what I call “Sabbath Economics” is betrayed when freedom becomes an infinite tolerance for the affluence of a few and the poverty of many." Ched Myers

I think I like that. I wonder where we got lost

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