Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm Sick

I should be at home, in bed, sleeping with a dog at my feet. Unfortunately today is payroll processing day so I gotta be at work to process payroll. It's great job security being the only person who knows the ins & outs of what I do... but... It's days like today when I wish I wasn't so darn indespensible.

Not only do I have sore throat, runny nose & tired eyes but the office burgler alarm is on the fritz so every 8 seconds it runs a self-testing high pitched beep.... beep.... beep.... beep

Last night I made a pot of hot & sour soup. It's my latest favorite "sick food". Thanks to Elmar for introducing me to this delicious & quick recipe. I brought the leftovers to work today for lunch.

Please let me get payroll done quickly so I can go home.

sniffle... cough... ahem...

1 comment:

Jane said...

I hope you are feeling better soon!